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Blog Post

What to do if your Sealegs or Vehicle gets Stuck in Sand

We have all been there. You have brought your Sealegs just above the ocean water line, or maybe you have just brought your boat in and onto the trailer behind your car. You spot a mate and you stop to chat about the big boil up that was spotted just at the end of the point. You turn back around to realise you had lost track of time and your Sealegs now has its tyres submerged in the sand, well and truly stuck.

Here are our top tips to ensure a quick recovery from the gloom of a stuck Sealegs or car and trailer:

Deflate the tyres; This one works especially well for Sealegs owners due to the large tyre volume. By deflating your tyres, you are increasing the surface area of your tyre that is in contact with the ground and therefore increasing your traction. Just don’t forget to inflate them back up after.

Get digging; If the tyres are submerged deep enough, any movement on the accelerator will result in your wheels spinning in place and moving deeper into the sand. Save yourself the strain and instead dig out a slope ahead of them so they can travel out easily.

Get a grip; Carpet, cardboard, and many other fabrics are great for increasing the traction under your wheels. Try shuffling the material below your wheel and along the path you have dug out ahead of the wheels.

A great friend; that mate you were yarning to before wouldn’t leave you stranded. Having a tow rope handy will save the day in these stressful situations.

Do not jump at the gun; It is tempting but do not accelerate! A heavy acceleration will cause the tyres to spin and dig you deeper. Instead, ease into it and ride it out.

So now if you do get stuck you will know exactly what to do to ensure an easy recovery to the frustrating situation and get you back home in time to throw that fresh snapper in the pan for dinner!



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